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Jasmin Jagpal

I'm Jasmin Jagpal.

A born-and-raised Toronto culinary nutritionist, dance fitness instructor, CanFitPro certified Fitness Instructor, and owner of Green Soul Vibe.


I'm dedicated to helping busy women, like you, learn about nutrition, have fun with fitness, and create realistic healthy habits for your life so you can make your goals become a reality ... that will last for life.


I specialize in teaching cardio dance fitness classes, culinary nutrition workshops, sharing free content on my blog and YouTube channel.

There's a strong connection between what we eat, how we move, our mindset, and our environment, all of which impacts our health. No one should have to "settle" with unusual symptoms, not feeling happy and satisfied with their health, not knowing where to turn to for help, or feeling overwhelmed by information overload.


And that's why I'm here. I'm committed to keeping it real and honest with you. There's no "right" or "wrong" way to achieve health. Every woman is different, and I want to show you the way to reach your goals so you can thrive with health in the most natural, sustainable, and budget-friendly way.


You're a uniquely beautiful person - and there's no one size fits all here. We don't do crash diets or fad diets, overpriced miracle health products, body shaming or judgment, bland and boring meals, or workouts that aren't fun and lack good music.


I'm exactly the opposite of that and have a ton to share with you. You'll eat real, whole foods that have flavour and makes you feel amazing. You'll sweat, laugh, and have fun while you workout. You'll build a positive vibe so you can appreciate the good times and get through the challenging times. And you'll do the work, so you can maintain healthy habits and achieve what you want, which is the most rewarding feeling to have.


Wherever you are in your health journey, I want you to know that you are worth it! You deserve to feel healthy in your body! You can make your dreams a reality! Just take that first step, and I'll be here along the way to help you. 


Here's some fun facts about me. I'm obsessed with almond butter. I love hip-hop and never stop singing and dancing. I'm addicted to the feel-good vibes after my workouts. I love reading books. I care about the environment and am consciously trying to live clean and green (my vice: I do wear nail polish.) My non-guilty pleasure is red wine and I'm on a mission to try every biodynamic red wine from around the world. I eat kale almost every day. I'm not an expert baker but I find it therapeutic to experiment with baking healthy treats on the weekends.









You know my name but not my story.

I once saw the phrase “You know my name but not my story” tattooed on someone's chest. It's clever and catchy and pretty much describes us all. 


My path wasn't always linear and I didn't always live or think this way.


With a BA degree and diploma in Public Relations, and career experience in corporate finance and administration, I was puzzled by own career journey and life path. I was confused and lacked confidence in myself about what I really wanted to do. I didn’t know what my valuable “what” was that I could offer to others but I believe all things happen for a reason, and realized my combination of experience, interests, and skills was a strength!


It all started when I was a young kid that loved to dance, was quick at learning choreography, and a leader in my dance classes. Aside from that, I was not athletic, lacked confidence in my body, was chubby and over my ideal weight. I know what it's like to:

Jasmin Jagpal
  • hate trying on clothes in the change room

  • hate the 5 km track runs during gym class

  • “feel” fat

  • have negative judgment toward myself

  • not know what to eat

  • hated exercising because I didn’t enjoy the workout

  • and yes, have Googled “how to lose weight”


Fast forward to 20 years later, and I fell in love with my Monday evening Zumba class. Dance fitness became a permanent and sustainable part of my fitness regimen. It played a part in helping me succeed in weight loss and gaining self-confidence. I enjoyed it, and finally felt excited about to do a fun workout, while making friends with a gang of completely different women that shared a common love for dance.


I'm creative and dance is my passion. I wanted to teach others but I was full of self-doubt. It wasn’t until 2015, when my mentor (aka that Monday night Zumba instructor you see in all my YouTube videos) was diagnosed with breast cancer. While she was going through chemotherapy (and still teaching classes), I'd jump on stage with her to help teach classes. I finally had the push I needed to pursue my fitness certifications.


Then I became curious about the role food plays in our health. So many people appear 'fit' or 'strong' on the outside but are diseased or ill on the inside. I wondered about what to eat, which diet to follow (vegan, raw, paleo, low-carb), what's in our food, how does it affect our health, does it impact sickness and disease, where was my food coming from, was it sprayed with chemicals, and how does that affect our environment and water supply? 


After watching my grandmother live with and eventually die from Parkinson's disease, my ultimate goal was prevention for a long and healthy life. I also wanted to develop a healthy relationship with food, that's not obsessed around diets, calorie counting, starvation, and guilt. After my significant other gave me my first nutrition book, I became engulfed in a passion for nutrition and cooking with nutritious, whole, plant-based foods.


My learning didn’t stop with nutrition because I had an interest in the mind/body connection, and how our environments impact our lives. Health isn't just about what we eat or how much we exercise. Health is about our nutrition, movement, mindset, lifestyle, and environment.


Working in downtown Toronto at a job that just wasn't the perfect fit for me was starting to take a toll on my wellbeing. I made a decision to change my life and take action by leaving that job to do work that excites me, uses my strengths, is meaningful, and fulfills my desire to help others and share my gifts with the world. 


Today, I'm your culinary nutrition educator, dance fitness instructor, and health cheerleader. 


If you've read this far - thank you! I'd love to stay connected with you on Instagram @greensoulvibe and I'm excited for the journey ahead!



Yours in best health,


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