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5 Exercises For Your Stronger Core In Just One Month (Ideal For Lower Back Pain)

Jasmin Jagpal

Strong Core Exercises (With Lower Back Pain)

Yes, this picture is of Jasmin! Getting ready to go out and thinking "Wow! What a difference having a strong core has made in how my waistline feels, how my jeans fit, and from doing key core exercises every week". Because four years ago, this was not the case.

One of the common complaints that I hear from women in group fitness classes is that they feel lower back pain when we’re doing core / abdominal / oblique exercises. This often deters women from working on their core altogether by skipping these exercises.

Lower back pain is usually a sign of a weak core. It can also be caused by not fully bracing and contracting your core muscles while doing an exercise, thus putting pressure on the lower back. You've probably also tried some exercises and thought "OMG, what ab exercises can I do that don't hurt my lower back?"

There are certain core exercises that are more strenuous on the back than others. The common culprit are sit-ups and crunches, which are two of the most well-known exercises that people associate with working their core. Sit-ups actually work more of the lower back muscles (lumbar spine) than the abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis), therefore that constant upward pull (one huge mistake in technique is pulling on the neck) can cause strain, discomfort, and soreness. This is why many people should avoid these two exercises altogether.

This doesn’t mean skipping core exercises completely though! The benefits of a strong core are endless because it spans the muscles in our trunk, and connects our upper and lower body. Having a strong core can help with everyday chores and activities, doing tasks at work, playing sports and recreational activities, balance, posture, helps alleviate back pain, and helps you to breathe.

You don’t need to have six-pack abs to have a strong core, so don’t be deterred by the lack of rips in your mid-section after doing ab and oblique exercises. That “washboard” look takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication for individuals to gain that aesthetic appearance but you can have a strong core without the shredded rips showing on your belly.

But yes, consistently working on your core will make your waistline slimmer and decrease belly fat and display muscle.

Want to find out for yourself? Try these five exercises every day to see results in just one month.

Do three rounds of these exercises, 12 repetitions each. It should take you no more than 15 minutes. Short on time? Even try doing two or three of these exercises, alternating each day. You will have a stronger core at the end of one month and notice your improvement.



Plank With Knee Taps

Photo Credit:

  • Start resting on all fours.

  • With your forearms and palms flat on the ground, raise up off your knees onto your toes into a plank position. Keep your hands directly below your shoulders.

  • Contract your abs and push yourself up but remember to keep your body in a straight line (without your bottom sticking up in the air or sagging).With your head and spine in line, keep your back flat.

  • With control, slowly tap your left knee to the ground without moving your hips. Lift your left knee back up, returning to the starting position. Repeat the same movement with the right leg. This completes one rep. Do this for 45 seconds, for three rounds.


Side Plank

Photo Credit: Spartan

  • Start on your side with your feet together and one forearm directly below your shoulder.

  • Contract your core and raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from head to feet.

  • Hold the position without letting your hips drop for the allotted time for each set, then repeat on the other side.

  • An easier modification is to rest your inner knee on the ground, keeping your outer leg fully straight and extended.

  • Hold this position for 45 seconds and then switch sides. You have completed one set. Do this for three sets.


This is an advanced move but it is one of the best core exercises that will leave you sore the next day!

Plank Walk

Photo Credit: Pop Sugar

  • Begin in a full plank position, up on the palms of your hands. Lower your right elbow to the mat, then your left, coming into an elbow plank. Try to do this while keeping your torso straight, and without twisting your body.

  • Then put right hand on the mat, and straighten your right elbow and do the same on the left to return to a full plank position.

  • This completes one repetition. Do eight repetitions, for three rounds.


This move shouldn’t cause pain in the lower back, as it shouldn’t put pressure on the lumbar spine.

Single Leg Toe Taps

Photo Credit: Fitness Health Zone

  • Lie on your back with your arms alongside your hips. You can also place your hands underneath your lower bag, between your lower back and the mat. Lift your legs up and bend your knees so they are right over your hips and your shins are parallel to the floor.

  • Contract your belly to draw your bellybutton to your spine. Slowly lower your right foot to tap the floor, keeping the 90-degree bend in the knee as you lower. Return the right leg to the starting position and repeat with the left leg.

  • Do this for 45 seconds to complete one set. Do three sets.


Stability Ball Crunch

Photo Credit: Women's Health Magazine

  • Lie on an exercise ball with your lower back curve pressed against the top of the ball. Your knees should be bent and pressed firmly on the floor. The upper torso should be hanging off the top of the ball. You can put your arms by your ears or crossed against your chest.

  • Contract your abdominals and curl the upper body upwards until you the work in your abdominals. The arms should simply slide up the side of your legs if you have them at the side or just stay on top of your chest if you have them crossed. The lower back should always stay in contact with the ball. Exhale as you perform this movement and hold the contraction for a second.

  • As you inhale, go back to the starting position. Do 15 repetitions of this to complete one set. Do this for three rounds.


Are you going to try this? See and feel the results and let me know how it works for you!


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