When vacation time comes, most people experience a week (or several) of eating out, being out of your normal routine, different time zones, irregular sleep cycles, jet lag, digestion and stomach problems, and other daily stressors that come with travelling foreign territory. All of these factors weaken the immune system and can result in common cold, fatigue, and feeling unwell either during vacation or upon coming home. I’ve seen this countless times in the workplace.
It sucks spending a ton of money on a trip only to be stuck in the washroom the whole time or majorly constipated. It also sucks to come home and go back to work with a cold or flu (never mind trying to catch up on all your work).
Here are 5 essentials to always pack in your luggage when travelling to help keep you feeling vibrant and full of health during and post-vacation so you can ENJOY your trip and be full of smiles to tell the tale when you come back.
The majority of your immune system is in your GUT. Your gut is crawling with billions of friendly bacteria that is the crucial support of your immune system. Many people are prone to travel sickness (like diarrhea and other stomach issues) because we are exposed to microbes that we’re not normally exposed to. In addition, there is jet lag, time zone differences, different sleep cycles, eating out, being out of our normal routine, and other stressors that can weaken the immune system. Everyone should be consuming probiotics DAILY but this is a must when travelling to help keep the gastrointestinal tract happy and healthy so you can enjoy your trip and return home without being sick. Probiotics are live bacteria so they should be kept cool during transport and stay in the fridge wherever you go.
Magnesium is often the underdog of supplements but this is a powerful mineral that’s essential to the body. My naturopathic doctor personally advised that I should be taking magnesium daily to help cope with the amount of high intensity exercise and daily work stressors that I was facing. Magnesium helps with relaxation of the body (think Epsom salt baths), and has a key role in more than 300 enzymatic functions in the body for overall health, which includes helping the nervous system, chronic stress, anxiety, thyroid imbalances, insomnia, digestion, and chronic fatigue. While travel can be an added stressor to the body, magnesium can help to keep the body’s functions in check. While on vacation, include foods high in magnesium like spinach, pure dark chocolate, almonds, pumpkin seeds, avocados, black beans, and bananas.
Chia Seeds
This is the one food I do not travel without – ever! While travelling to another country, some people face the challenge of being stuck to the toilet and pooping their pants but many others also face major constipation. Chia seeds are full of fibre, healthy fat, and protein, which are the perfect food, and will definitely help to keep the digestive tract moving while on a trip. They’re a gelatinous seed, so they absorb liquid and become a gel-like substance. Due to the fact they take up a minimal amount of space in luggage, they’re perfect to travel with. Simply add a teaspoon of chia seeds to a glass of water, let sit for a few minutes, and drink it first thing each morning. Optionally, you can add them to your yogurt or smoothies.
Maca Root Powder
Maca root powder is an adaptogenic herb. Adaptogens are herbal substances that help normalize the body to adapt to stress. Different herbs can support mental clarity, energy, stamina, physical stress, strength, and so forth. Maca root supports the adrenal glands, which we burn through due to stress as the day goes on. It helps to balance the hormones of our endocrine system (essential for body functions), increases energy, restores strength, increases the libido, and is full of B vitamins, calcium, and fatty acids. Maca root has a very mild taste, therefore it’s one of the best adaptogens to pack on a trip because it can be added to drinks, smoothies, and foods (like yogurt and fruit bowls or savory dishes).
Superfood Mix
A superfood mix is essential for snacking in between meals, whether in the hotel room or on the road. This superfood mix can be made in under 5 minutes, and takes up minimal space in luggage. Combine raw nuts (like almonds, cashews, walnuts, brazil nuts), coconut flakes or chips, pumpkin seeds, goji berries, and raw cacao chunks. It’s a great way to get extra nutrients into your body.
Happy Vacay!