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Jasmin Jagpal

Feeling Sick? Exercise May Help You … Here’s When and Why


You start to feel sickness coming on. Perhaps it starts with a runny nose, sore throat, or coughing so you immediately think “Oh no!” and prepare yourself with lots of tissues, lozenges, tea, and medication while planning to hit the bed and completely removing yourself from any thought of physical activity. But did you know that physical activity and exercise may actually help you when you’re sick?

When It Can Help To Work Out

You can work out while you have a cold. A cold typically exhibits “above-the-neck” symptoms, such as congestion, runny nose, sinus issues, sore throat, headaches, and sneezing.

Light to moderate exercise that is less strenuous than what you would typically do, along with hydration and proper recovery practices (rest, herbal teas, proper nutrition) can help with your cold. For example, doing cardiovascular activity while you have a cold can actually unblock your nasal passageways and help with decongestion!

Some physical activities that you can do include yoga poses for congestion, pilates, walking, light jogging, cycling, housework, dancing, and less strenuous sports practice.

When To Avoid Working Out or Use Caution

There are definitely moments when the body requires rest in order to recover during illness, therefore physical activity will not help and could possibly make you feel worse. This is typically when you may exhibit “below-the-neck” symptoms, such as:

  • respiratory infections in your chest or lungs

  • body aches and pains

  • weakness and fatigue

  • running a fever

  • vomiting and diarrhea (which can cause dehydration)

  • severe stomach pain

It’s best to avoid physical activity until these symptoms reduce or subside, otherwise you run the risk of overheating your body temperature, further dehydration, or making your illness worse. There are times when your body does need adequate rest from all activity in order for the cells to repair and recover.


Always listen to your body because it intuitively knows best. Monitor your symptoms and take the necessary precautions.

If you are going into a public space to exercise, make sure to use tissues, wash your hands, and sanitize equipment and personal space after use in order to contain germs and prevent spreading illness.

Ensure you are hydrated and consuming two to three litres of water per day, including herbal teas.

Focus on eating real, whole foods when you're sick. Some food myths that we've been told to follow when we're sick is to "drink orange juice or ginger ale" or "eat toast". They contain tons of sugar and are processed foods/beverages, therefore they don't contain a health benefit, especially when being sick. What can help? Homemade chicken soup or bone broth!

Sleep is crucial for health and when you're sick, the body requires additional sleep for recovery. Sleep allows the brain to detoxify itself of old cells and repair and replenish with new cells. Lack of sleep can cause inflammation and an increase of stress hormones in the body.

Finally, exercising regularly can strengthen your immune system and reduce the risk of being sick in the first place!

Stay healthy this season ladies


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