I hear it all the time, and I too, am guilty of it. A common complaint among people who want to lose weight is “I hate my thighs/stomach,” “I gain weight so easily,” and “I’m trying everything but it’s impossible for me to lose my weight/bulging stomach/jiggly thighs/chest fat.”
We commit to achieving a weight/physical appearance goal and put all of our effort toward it. We pack our healthy meals, we go to the gym after work, and we read some new health books for advice but yet, the belly or whatever extra fat won’t seem to budge. Then we give up.
We’re (unintentionally) blocking ourselves from losing the weight because of our negative thought pattern and mindset. We’ve sabotaged ourselves with negative beliefs that “I’m fat” and “I can’t lose weight” and “it’s not going to happen” before we even begin our weight-loss journey. We don’t believe in ourselves because it hasn’t happened due to a previously failed attempt or because it currently isn’t happening.
Thoughts are vibrations of energy. The Law of Attraction philosophy is as follows: positive thoughts attract positive experiences and negative thoughts attract negative experiences. If you’ve already pre-programmed your mind with negative “fat” thoughts and beliefs, then you’re blocking yourself from receiving from the things that you want from the universe.
First, you must change your mind, in order to change your body.
We have to manifest our thoughts and desires into positive vibrations to succeed at our goals and make our desires come to fruition. Be patient, and have faith in the universe to respond to what you ask for. Here are five steps to manifesting your weight-loss goals into reality:
1. Visualize and meditate.
Get clear on what you want by creating a VERY specific outcome. Don’t just think “I want to lose weight”. What is the actual outcome you want?
Then see it and feel it. Every day, take a mindful moment to sit quietly, close your eyes, and visualize how you feel with your desired body. How will you feel when you get there? Confident? Beautiful? Strong? In control? Visualize these thoughts, feelings, and images associated with what you want.
2. Action.
It’s great to send out positive vibes and ask the universe for what you desire but don’t forget to actually put in the work so that you can receive it.
This can mean exercising and also walking more. This can mean taking the necessary initiative to learn about foods, and trying and preparing new and healthy options. What about accountability and check-ins? Do you have a system in place to make sure you’re tracking your progress and have an action plan to make sure you do more exercise and prepare healthy meals? Are you surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals and placing yourself in an environment that will help you succeed?
3. Get comfy with your current self.
It is what it is right now, so instead of loathing and hating yourself, graciously thank your body for everything it can do. It’s a miraculous system that’s working for you.
Don’t put out energy and take action if it’s fuelled by hatred. For example, don’t restrict food intake or exercise because you hate yourself and hate doing these things. Instead, re-frame your mindset to exercise and eat healthier because you love yourself, you want to gain personal improvement, and you want to recognize your health is important to you. This shift in thought process can make a huge difference.
4. Act as if you already have it.
That’s right, you read correctly. Act and think as if you are already at your desired state. Feel that confidence, and strut your stuff like you are where you want to be, which is part of believing in yourself and re-framing your negative thoughts so that you stop having those Debbie Downer thoughts that you can’t reach your goal. They say ‘fake it ‘til you make it’. Do just that because progress is slow and steady.
5. Love and gratitude, right now.
Love what you already have. Be thankful for your current situation and for this experience because it’s pushing you toward achieving a personal development goal in your life. The more you resist, the more negative energies you’re sending out so focus on loving and appreciating yourself. The universe will follow.
I dealt with being overweight for most of my life. Whether it’s due to lack of education, comfort eating to address emotions, and lack of belief in myself, I’m thankful for the experience. Being overweight allowed me to feel those crappy emotions and then pull myself out of the rut to learn and do what needed to be done in order to reach my weight-loss goal.
If I don’t continue my regimen of exercise and a balanced diet of nutritious foods, I will easily gain the weight back. However, last month I became too comfortable and took advantage of my body. In December 2018, with a vacation and lots of holiday eating and drinking, I gained back 10 lbs for the first time in three years, and can see the excess weight and loss of muscle tone. It’s now January but with this frame of mind and taking proactive action, I believe in myself to be what I desire to be and reach my physical goal.
I believe in you, and know that you can also do the same!